Education Planning in Rochester & Mt. Morris, NY

Are you concerned about funding your children’s college education? We are here to tell you that you are not alone. With higher education costs rising at an unprecedented rate, it is now more challenging than ever to ensure that your children or grandchildren have the same opportunities that you did. Recent projections estimate that in just a few short years, the cost of tuition for a private university will exceed $130,000 annually. Having a well-defined, tax-efficient strategy in place increases the likelihood that your family will have resources available when they need them.

Education planning involves designing custom solutions that
specifically address your unique personal & financial circumstances.

Are you actively gathering information that you hope will help you make educated decisions and finding it a little overwhelming? We are here to help. Some of the most common questions we receive from our clients include: Will our children need financial aid, and if so, are we going to be eligible? Are scholarships available to help us cover these costs, and how do we apply? When is the right time to start funding an education savings account, and are there tax benefits to these accounts? Are there any special considerations related to ownership of the account, and will this impact our eligibility for financial aid in the future? Is saving for our children’s education going to impact our other long-term financial goals? During our extensive DISCOVERY meeting, we will address these and any other concerns you have.

We partner with you to develop the most appropriate plan in light of your
family’s available resources.